TruthOrator Daily Mind Refreshment And Food For Thought

The goal of the enemy is always to make your problem or circumstances look bigger than God. He wants you to be afraid. Fear is the master of distortion. It makes us imagine things. It makes us lose sight of reality. It makes us lose hope.

We are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy.

To live with a feeling of fulfillment is the greatest blessings for any human being. Only when gratitude flowers can fulfillment happen. When gratitude becomes your attitude, fulfillment becomes your nature. ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. ~ Lao Tzu

The primary cause of unhappiness is not the situation, but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Integrating the mind is the essence of life. Decide you will always say and do only what you feel is right. Then, you will come to tremendous clarity and conviction in the inner and outer worlds. ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Living Enlightenment is being intense in every moment and responding intuitively to achieve your limitless potential for creativity and joy. ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world. ~ Ramana Maharishi

A belief is only a thought you continue to think. A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability -if you try even a little bit- to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction. ~ Abraham-Hick

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. ~  Buddha

Happy New Week My Kings and Queens

I Appreciate You

K.O.P Bashorun.

'Your Life Orator'

BBM Channel: C00254A49


(c) 2015

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