Why Should I Inculcate Discipline into My Life?

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Why Should I Inculcate Discipline into My Life?

Discipline is a way of life, where one tries to be on time and live in a systematic way.

Discipline is not limited to money, riches or by poverty but it is just a personal orientation towards life.

It is a habit and not an adaptation in life. So one can practice discipline for better life.

Many successful people attribute their success to discipline.

For them more than knowledge, communication or skill, discipline played a key role in their way to success.

Discipline in life has many virtues like being focused, staying healthy and also avoiding problems. As per the current life style and social trends, discipline techniques seems to be one of the essential life skills.

Discipline is one of the factor by which people judge others. Those highly talented and hard working people cannot be successful if they are not disciplined.

Discipline extends to personal life, career,work, study, life style and even social life. So it is good to inculcate student discipline in schools.  This school discipline can help children habituate it and can be carried on for life.

Advantages of Discipline in Life include

1. Being focused: Being disciplined helps one stay focused towards his work, activities or goals.

A person with strong goals are more focused and keep up to work in time in everyday life. vice-verse any one with discipline has to keep his mind focused on his work or goals avoiding mental disturbances. If not he cannot complete his work in time and also be undisciplined.

2. Respected by others: Discipline helps command respect from others. Many struggle to gain respect from others in the workplace. But the easiest way to get respect is to be disciplined. People around and also the sub-ordinates respect a person who is disciplined. The reasons are

Firstly it is tough to be disciplined for any one. And if you are one, then you have respect from others for that ability.

 If you are an employee, due to discipline you tend to complete work in time, be in work place at time etc. This helps you win respect from your boss or employer.

In studies being disciplined helps you complete you exam preparation, homework in time and helps you gain highest score. This wins you respect from your colleagues.

If you are a boss or leader of group etc. being disciplined helps you command respect from your sub-ordinates. In turn they tend to be disciplined and helps to complete your goals and reach higher levels.

There are chances that seeing your self discipline others might consider you as a role model.

 3. Stay healthy: Disciplined life includes regular habits like taking food, medicine (if any), having bath, exercise, waking and sleeping at right time. Exercise and other regular habits will tune the body and mind so well that always the person remains healthy. Even in case of chronic disease taking medicines at regular time helps get well soon. Having food in time  is very important because even food is also a medicine. Read the importance of food for life.

4. Stay active: Discipline is a way of positive outlook to life. There is an enthusiasm and self confidence from within. So it keeps one active and not lazy instead.

Notice any one who is disciplined, he/ she is always active in comparison to others. Also due to disciplined habits like having food, sleep and exercise regularly, they stay active whole of the day.

Self control: A person with self discipline has more self control over himself. He is careful in his use of words while talking, his behavior etc. avoiding himself from being entangled in silly problems. This way he also build good relations with people.

5. Better Education: Discipline in education is very important for better education. Education is incomplete without learning discipline. Classroom discipline helps students to listen to teachings well and also cover the entire syllabus. While coming to school in time helps them awake early, attend nature calls, have bath and breakfast in time. Hence discipline in schools helps students to stay healthy which is good for growth of both body and mind.

6. Get things done & be happy: Being disciplined helps get things done faster and in right time. Though some things happen late due to other factors, still one with discipline gets them done faster than others due to his self discipline like being on time. So this leads to peace of mind and keeps one happier.

Consider yourself in a situation when one of your family member asked you to go out at an evening. If you are disciplined, you complete your work in time and try to give your time for them. If not they get hurt by you and this leads to loss of happiness. This is a common or routine issue in many families. So try to stay disciplined. It helps you to keep your family and friends happy as you can give them extra time.

7. Have more time in a day: A disciplined person have more time in a day than an undisciplined person. So more time means there is more chance to do extra works or other pending works. We can overcome procrastination and laziness in work.

8. Stay stress or tension free: One has tension during exam or daily routine work. This is an internal anxiety or unknown fear about the outcome of the work. Staying disciplined helps one study well in advance and not just before exams so he remains tension free. If it is a work place, due to discipline the work is planned well and executed in time so there is no stress. So discipline helps one stay stress free rise your self esteem and also get out of possible depression.

Seeing the list advantages of discipline, there should be a proper guidance and discipline in early childhood. Parents need to habituate self discipline techniques in children.

For this they can take help of schools which inculcate high discipline.

Written by Unknown

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K.O.P Bashorun.
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