TruthOrator's Weekend Love, Relationship and Mind Empowerment Tips
TruthOrator's Weekend Love, Relationship and Mind Empowerment Tips
A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart. --Shannon L. Alder
People that have trust issues only need to look in the mirror. There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most. --Shannon L. Alder
I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect. --Amit Kalantri
Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul's potential. --Shannon L. Alder
It doesn't matter wether you like or dislike the people around you but all you are asked to do is to respect them as a human being that they are. --KOP Bashorun
Not obedience or feelings or respect, there is only one thing which people take seriously at all time and its "money". --Amit Kalantri
True humanity demands that every human should be loved equally, but if that's not possible for you then at least love whoever you wants to but respect everyone. --Amit Kalantri
Don't overestimate your emotions because emotional injuries can disturb you but it can not defeat you. --Amit Kalantri
Respect begins with this attitude: "I acknowledge that you are a creature of extreme worth. God has endowed you with certain abilities and emotions. Therefore I respect you as a person. I will not desecrate your worth by making critical remarks about your intellect, your judgment or your logic. I will seek to understand you and grant you the freedom to think differently from the way I think and to experience emotions that I may not experience." Respect means that you give the other person the freedom to be an individual. --Gary Chapman
Do everything with your whole heart, or not at all. Don't put up with lies or with people who lie to you. Don't risk hurting people just for the fun of it. And lastly, your best foot shouldn't be put forward; it should be with you at all times— right there beside the other one. --C. JoyBell C.
If a person loves you but doesn't respect you then it can not be a real love. It is not possible to love them without respecting them. --Amit Kalantri
If he or she doesn't see or respect your present value nor your future dream the moment you connected there is little or no chance that he or she will do in future. --Bernard Kelvin Clive
As I’ve been telling your, son, you get nowhere looking at clothes and the color of the skin to judge a man. It won’t tell you nothing about what’s inside. That’s where a fellow’s mettle is, and that’s what counts. --Richard Puz
People crave for more respect than love, because they expect love only from few people but they want respect from everyone. --Amit Kalantri
If people respect your age and not your personality, then it's time for you to do some urgent introspection. --Amit Kalantri
It is an extremely unfortunate fact, that there are those who see the morale of respect as something that is beneficial to the other person on the receiving end, rather than something that is beneficial to the one who is capable of giving the respect! Because that's simply not how it works; the person who is capable of discerning respect and giving it to others, is the person who is better! There are people who believe that the virtue of respect and the ability to discern when to give respect and in which amounts to give it, belongs to the lower class! Oh I beg, I beg to differ! No. And no and no! If I am able to discern the amounts of respect to be given so that I may function as a beaming member of society, this virtue illuminates ME; this virtue does not illuminate those whom I give the respect to! Respect is known by the illuminated being!s --C. JoyBell C.
Few things would gratify me as much as a rediscovered respect for things belonging to others. Not abusing the property of others (or that of the community) is one of the ways in which we respect others. It is an essential part of being considerate guests, no matter where we are: in an airplane, in a friend's home, in a movie theater, in a doctor's office, in a public library, or in a public square. --P.M. Forni
Happy Weekend My Kings and Queens
I Appreciate You
We offer the following services:
1. Master of Ceremony
2. Event Planning
3. Creative writing/ Script Editing
4. Motivational speaking/ Mentorship
5. Children Educator
K.O.P Bashorun.
'Your Life Orator'
BBM Channel: C00254A49
Tel: 08056673096, 07065621203 or 08094722387
Twitter: @truthorator101
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(c) 2015
A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart. --Shannon L. Alder
People that have trust issues only need to look in the mirror. There they will meet the one person that will betray them the most. --Shannon L. Alder
I cannot compromise my respect for your love. You can keep your love, I will keep my respect. --Amit Kalantri
Diversity of character is due to the unequal time given to values. Only through each other will we see the importance of the qualities we lack and our unfinished soul's potential. --Shannon L. Alder
It doesn't matter wether you like or dislike the people around you but all you are asked to do is to respect them as a human being that they are. --KOP Bashorun
Not obedience or feelings or respect, there is only one thing which people take seriously at all time and its "money". --Amit Kalantri
True humanity demands that every human should be loved equally, but if that's not possible for you then at least love whoever you wants to but respect everyone. --Amit Kalantri
Don't overestimate your emotions because emotional injuries can disturb you but it can not defeat you. --Amit Kalantri
Respect begins with this attitude: "I acknowledge that you are a creature of extreme worth. God has endowed you with certain abilities and emotions. Therefore I respect you as a person. I will not desecrate your worth by making critical remarks about your intellect, your judgment or your logic. I will seek to understand you and grant you the freedom to think differently from the way I think and to experience emotions that I may not experience." Respect means that you give the other person the freedom to be an individual. --Gary Chapman
Do everything with your whole heart, or not at all. Don't put up with lies or with people who lie to you. Don't risk hurting people just for the fun of it. And lastly, your best foot shouldn't be put forward; it should be with you at all times— right there beside the other one. --C. JoyBell C.
If a person loves you but doesn't respect you then it can not be a real love. It is not possible to love them without respecting them. --Amit Kalantri
If he or she doesn't see or respect your present value nor your future dream the moment you connected there is little or no chance that he or she will do in future. --Bernard Kelvin Clive
As I’ve been telling your, son, you get nowhere looking at clothes and the color of the skin to judge a man. It won’t tell you nothing about what’s inside. That’s where a fellow’s mettle is, and that’s what counts. --Richard Puz
People crave for more respect than love, because they expect love only from few people but they want respect from everyone. --Amit Kalantri
If people respect your age and not your personality, then it's time for you to do some urgent introspection. --Amit Kalantri
It is an extremely unfortunate fact, that there are those who see the morale of respect as something that is beneficial to the other person on the receiving end, rather than something that is beneficial to the one who is capable of giving the respect! Because that's simply not how it works; the person who is capable of discerning respect and giving it to others, is the person who is better! There are people who believe that the virtue of respect and the ability to discern when to give respect and in which amounts to give it, belongs to the lower class! Oh I beg, I beg to differ! No. And no and no! If I am able to discern the amounts of respect to be given so that I may function as a beaming member of society, this virtue illuminates ME; this virtue does not illuminate those whom I give the respect to! Respect is known by the illuminated being!s --C. JoyBell C.
Few things would gratify me as much as a rediscovered respect for things belonging to others. Not abusing the property of others (or that of the community) is one of the ways in which we respect others. It is an essential part of being considerate guests, no matter where we are: in an airplane, in a friend's home, in a movie theater, in a doctor's office, in a public library, or in a public square. --P.M. Forni
Happy Weekend My Kings and Queens
I Appreciate You
We offer the following services:
1. Master of Ceremony
2. Event Planning
3. Creative writing/ Script Editing
4. Motivational speaking/ Mentorship
5. Children Educator
K.O.P Bashorun.
'Your Life Orator'
BBM Channel: C00254A49
Tel: 08056673096, 07065621203 or 08094722387
Twitter: @truthorator101
Feel Free to Share
(c) 2015
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