Everyday when I woke up
I see nothing more than the trouble called the World
I see people who have been used and abused by the world
And they are also looking for who to use and abuse
I want something from the world
But there is nothing the world could offer me
Instead of the world offering me somthing
The world have taken everything I have with me
I have nothing left on me again
I was told that naked I came into this world
And naked I will go out of this world to wherever I came from
But I am not even ready to go now
But here I am naked already
I see nothing but problems, pains, auguish, discomfort and so on in this world
People becoming problems to each other
People becoming their own problem
My eyes can no longer shed blood
The Ocean can no longer accumulate my tears
Because my body can't hold heat ni more
I know that I want something
But that something nobody can give me
Which makes me remember
The words of my father to me
The only person you have in this world
Is nobody but yourself alone
Not even me your father
And GOD who is the creator of all
---K.O.P Bashorun
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