The Love of my Life

I look into her eyes

I see nothing but hope and courage

I imagine who she could be

But she is a creation by God called WOMAN

I see one every one second

I see more than sixty every one minute

I see thousands every one hour

I see millions every twenty four hours

And I see uncountable every year

But where do I see them?

Some I see in my wildest imagination

Some I see in my dreams

Some I see on the Air

While some I see physically and arranged around by the creator

But this wonderfully created woman I see her everyday of my life

She is the best I ever had

She is the most beautiful I ever see

She is the best among her kinds

No other woman can be compare to her

Because she is a noble, an epitome of character and a woman of virtue

And she is no other woman than my mother, my first love.

-----K.O.P Bashorun


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