The End ni Opin Cinema
If you're born and bred in Yoruba land then you will be familiar with the phrase "the end ni opin cinema" which simply means "the movie has ended". And I can boldly prophesy that 2019 ends in few hours even though I am not a prophet.
Few hours from now, 2019 will finally gbe body while 2020 will gbese wole. For some people, 2019 has ended as far back as February because they failed to meet up with their new year resolutions. So for them, nothing is remaining of 2019 again.
2019 may have been very awful for you because you failed on your new year resolutions, you couldn't achieve all your goals, the unexpected happened or you lost someone or some things very dare to your heart or Buhari's economy singlehandedly dealt with you just like me😉, so you couldn't wait for 2019 to just pack it's bag and baggage and never return again..
As we wait expectantly for 2020 to gbe body wole completely, every altars will be engaged in spiritual battles tonight, which they will either be binding or loosing. Every individual person will be setting one goal or the other they want to achieve in 2020. Wow!
Even though 2019 is yet to disappeared into the thin air and never return again. 2020 is overloaded already and it is crying and calling for help because of the uncountable resolutions and goals we all want to achieve. I know that 2020 will be smiling at us seriously because it knows that 90% of the people will be knocked out just in the 1st or 2nd round while less than 10% of people will get to 10th round and beyond.
The new year resolutions are countless while the individual goals set for 2020 cannot be numbered. Even though I am not a prophet but I can predict the prophecy of the new year resolutions and goals set by some of you.
1. I want to be successful in 2020
2. I want to lose weight in 2020
3. I want to travel round the world in 2020
4. I want to study more in 2020
5. I want to grow spiritually in 2020
6. I want to make more money in 2020 and so on..
Let me stop my prophetic messages here but I will be very frank with you, if your new year resolutions or goals set for 2020 is similar to what is on that list above, then I can boastfully say that you don't have any resolution and you have not set any goal for 2020.
Don't cross over to 2020 without a clear definition of your goal or new resolutions. Like I said, I want to be successful in 2020 is not a goal.
The question is what do you want to be successful in 2020? Don't cross to 2020 blindfolded because if you do then 2020 will end for you before it ends.
I am KOP Bashorun..
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