10 Ways To Be The Champion Of  Your Life 

The history of men and women is simple: 

Women waited to be rescued while men killed 

dragons for us. Today, there are still women 

who want the dragons in their lives to be 

beheaded for them. 

Regardless of how supported, loved and even 

worshipped we are in our own lives, being the 

champion of our own life is the most 

gratifying feeling there is. 

Here is a guide to developing your inner 


1. If you want something go after it with a 

fearless courage. Everything you want is 

yours. It's all a choice, what choice will you 

make today to become closer to your authentic 


2. Empower yourself by being true to 

yourself. If something or someone does not 

feel right, be strong enough to walk away, and 

know that there is another open door across 

the way. 

3. Feed your soul with people who are like- 

minded and are on the same delicious path 

you're on. People who stimulate you in one 

way or another stir your core in a powerful 


4. Move your body! Whether it's yoga, 

pilates, running, or a dance class, moving your 

body makes us acutely aware of how alive we 

are in every fiber of our being. Movement 

allows a connection with our primitive selves. 

5. Wear colors that guide your soul that day 

in the right direction. If passion is your 

focus, drape yourself in red. If wealth and 

recognition are what you're after, purple 

commands opulence. 

6. If you look good, you feel good. The days 

that you know you're flawless well that ripples 

into the confidence levels in all areas of your 

life, and there is no reason for you not to have 

a healthy level of confidence. 

7. Eat greens, the more alkaline you are, the 

healthier you are. The healthier you are the 

more empowered you are. The more 

empowered you are ... well, you're 


8. Think positive thoughts about yourself, 

the people you encounter within your day, 

and your family and loved ones. The more 

positive thoughts you think the more positive 

you bring into your life. 

9. Be altruistic. Karma yogi’s help others just 

for the sake of helping others. If we all lived 

this way think about how far reaching those 

effects would be in life on earth? 

10. Love. Feel deeply grounded in love for 

yourself and for others unconditionally. Allow 

yourself to flow in the feeling of love 

throughout your day, knowing that this choice 

will always lead to higher levels of happiness 

and personal contentment. 

Life is always going to create chaos, change 

and upheaval, but in those moments which are 

our greatest teachers we know that we can 

make a choice to be grounded, centered and 

truly the champion of our own lives that can 

conquer everything with ease and true clarity. 

Written by Jodie Berman


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