Lagos Communities and the Influx of Illegal Drugs

The drug law enforcement agencies must have gone on a sabbatical as what is visible around the Lagos metropolis can only be possible due to a very long and uninterrupted holiday of those with the responsibility of checking illicit and illegal drug trafficking, peddling and abuse.

A departure from this might be that some drug barons have become untouchable and their monies are now important to some top shots in the City thereby giving their products a free passage within the State, or there is a deliberate attempt to subtly legalize psycho-active substances by making the sight and usage of such a normalcy overtime through the authorities ignoring drug related activities amongst the peoples.

 Some years ago, we used to have communities that were regarded as black spots as those where the places where uncensored and almost unrestricted drug activities were a norm. I can remember I stayed close to a street where you would think there is an industrial burning going on from the sight of thick smoke everywhere until you find out they were just a congregation of smoke coming from those who are puffing away one thing or the other from every corner. But now, the very reserved areas are also experiencing this misdevelopment.

Nowadays, almost all the streets have urchins in large numbers lacing one substance or the other into roller papers and puffing discomfort into everyone’s nostrils in broad day light. It has since become an act that people do with pride that no one seems to be frowning at. Drug usage (or abuse as the case may be) has found its way into the list of activities that are no longer done in the dark and secret places but in the open as a mainstream daily activity. Most household consumables traders, kiosk’s operators (Abokis) are now in the trade of drug distribution.

You might not know if you purchase normal goods from such traders, only those who patronize them as drug dealers know they have the stuff as part of their merchandise.

Lagos is fast becoming a city of active and passive (second hand) smokers.

My mum lives in one of the sub-urban parts of the City. A very reserved community. A very sane area. No one would ignore the fact that the City has made massive encroachments into this area in recent times, and I’ve noticed that whenever I visit, she complains of how some “boys” have turned certain places into marijuana trading and taking spots. These “boys” have names and identities and no one seems to have apprehended them.

We must wake up to make our communities safe. Especially those that have been safe before now. We should not open our eyes and see how are streets get taken over by drug activities.  

We have children and youths to model aright. We are responsible for our generation and the ones that will come after them. These sights are not what we want for them. They are evil influences on their minds and psyche.

I’ve not even spoken on other forms of drugs like pills, powders and the intra-venous.

And we also know the inevitable likelihood that these unsociable activities serves as a potent chain for other vices like insecurity, intra and inter-gang wars , robberies, rapes and others.

We shouldn’t ignore this but take necessary steps in speaking and acting against it as well as making sure the relevant authorities stand up to their responsibility of making our City safe and preserving our posterity.

'Seun Calibre Akin-Crown.

Music Executive\Strategist\Administrator

BB pin: 2B4A5D6A, Whatsapp no: +2348171977635


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