
Showing posts from January, 2017

16 Signs that you are living purposefully

Living purposefully is one of the most effortless but enjoyable experiences which you can enjoy in life. When you are living purposefully life just flows. Like flowing water, you effortlessly adapt to any obstacle which is placed in your path. You carve out your own path for life as you pass peacefully through. There are times when things can become turbulent and you can fall off purpose but with a small amount of conscious effort, you can usually guide yourself back until you are living purposefully once again. It may take a little time and effort to find your purpose but once you do so, and you choose to live your purpose, the benefits are beyond measure. 16 Signs that you are living purposefully The following tips will enable you to identify whether you are living purposefully or not. 1. You build supportive relationships Traditionally, we build friendships based on proximity. Social psychology shows us that we tend to have a greater fondness for those whom we spend more time wi...

Traits of a man who will never ever stop loving you

Find a man like this, and you'll never have to worry about him leaving your side. When celebrities are divorcing right and left, it's easy to get caught up in the lie that love isn't meant to last. If you honestly want to develop a fulfilling relationship, then marriage needs to be more than something you do for fun. Marriage is giving yourself completely to your spouse. It is making the commitment to dedicate your life to him or her. So if that's what you're looking for, and you want a man who won't flake when life gets tough, here are just a few traits that you should look for in a spouse: 1. He committed to you and to making it work You want a man who is 100 percent committed to you and the success of your relationship. In marriage you promise to love one another always -- not just until hard times hit. Marriage is a holy union between two souls, and so you want to find someone who is devoted and faithful and committed to his vows. 2. He addresses probl...

The 3 Most Important Truths To Finding A Partner For Life

We’ve all heard it before: “You'll find someone to love when you're not looking.” Some of us believe it, and the rest of us realize how ridiculous and illogical that statement is. How likely are you to find your car keys if you don't bother looking for them? How about that matching sock? How likely are you to receive that promotion if you don’t put in the conscious effort to be noticed? Just because a person is a living being doesn't mean that he or she will simply walk into your life. On top of that, if you're not looking, who's to say that you'll notice this person when he or she does happen to walk into your life? There is, of course, a difference between actively and passively looking for a life partner. Looking for someone actively via dating sites or going out to bars does — I promise you — have a much higher success rate than not looking at all does. Yet, actively looking gets tiring, and whether we like to admit it or not, much of who we mee...

10 Reasons Why a Guy Will Reject You

Unfortunately, things do not always turn out the way we want. You may like a man and for some reason he may not like you. First you give some hints on how you feel (not directly) and wait for him to do the same to you, but apparently the man did not catch the signals or simply does not correspond to your feelings. Normally, the best option would be to forget him and continue your life, since he obviously did not see what is before his eyes, so why should you care about a man who does not realize how wonderful you are? Unfortunately, sometimes things are not so easy and you feel the need to know exactly what happens. It is true that all men are different, but most of the time the problem can be in any of these 12 reasons why a guy will reject you. 1. You are striving much to get him: In your attempts to seduce this man is not subtle you can look like a woman in need. This is a disincentive for men if they realize they can have you when...

13 Ways to Make 2017 Your Most Successful Year Yet

Another year has come to a close. Everyone is excited for the opportunity to start fresh and find ways to improve themselves in the upcoming year. Here are the top 15 ways you can ensure you set yourself up for your most successful year yet in 2017. 1. Ditch your resolutions and make SMART goals instead. Instead of saying what you do or don’t plan to do in 2017, make something concrete. SMART goals are something that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Actually put these goals in writing and you will be much more likely to achieve them. Better yet — put them in writing and then make an action plan on small milestones you plan to achieve to be successful in the overall goal. Put them somewhere you can see them each day so they stay top of mind, one at home and one at the office. 2. Create a networking strategy. If you are looking for an opportunity, in reality you are looking for a person. Opportunities are tied to...