Habits That Can Make You Rich
TruthOrator's Monday Business and Enterprenuer Tips If wealth is the destination, the journey always starts with attitude. Want to get rich? If you work for someone else, you won't. (Don't believe me? Check this out.) That's why entrepreneurs are willing to face the vulnerability, the emotional ups and downs, and the risk of public and private failure. They want to succeed on their terms--and they aren't willing to accept a cap on their success. Here are nine habits of people who become rich: 1. They don't make choices--they create choices. Most people simply choose from column A or column B. People on the path to wealth often skim through A and B and then create their own column C. As Jon Burgstone says: "Every time you want to make any important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the array of choices that present themselves, pick the best available option, and try to make it fit. "Or, you can do what...