
Showing posts from February, 2016

Habits That Can Make You Rich

TruthOrator's Monday Business and Enterprenuer Tips If wealth is the destination, the journey always starts with attitude. Want to get rich? If you work for someone else, you won't. (Don't believe me? Check this out.) That's why entrepreneurs are willing to face the vulnerability, the emotional ups and downs, and the risk of public and private failure. They want to succeed on their terms--and they aren't willing to accept a cap on their success. Here are nine habits of people who become rich: 1. They don't make choices--they create choices. Most people simply choose from column A or column B. People on the path to wealth often skim through A and B and then create their own column C. As Jon Burgstone says: "Every time you want to make any important decision, there are two possible courses of action. You can look at the array of choices that present themselves, pick the best available option, and try to make it fit. "Or, you can do what...

4 ways to fix mistakes in a relationship

When you make mistakes, it doesn't matter how often you say, "I'm sorry." What matters is how sincere you are. It's not pleasant to admit I've committed my share of mistakes. Unfortunately, many of my mistakes affected not only me, but those close and dear to me. My mistakes came from a selfish place. I wasn't thinking of consequences or of hurting my relationships with family members. As time passed, the mistakes caught up with me. I learned some tough lessons, and if the opportunity had presented itself then, I would have rectified each wrongdoing in an instant — but it was too late. I decided to turn over a new leaf. I've been more conscientious about my actions. I'm not afraid to say, "I'm sorry." Relationships are challenging and full of lessons. We all make a mistake or two. Mistakes are part of life. However, once we've made a mistake and apologized for it, some of us struggle not to repeat the same mistake again. Sad...

How to Fix That Mistake That Looks Unfixable

TruthOrator's Daily Quotes and Mind Refreshment Tips How to Fix That Mistake That Looks Unfixable Wow, you really screwed that up. Yeah, they’re going to be mad. The good news is that it’s not the worst thing that anyone has done. A little bit later I can tell you how I screwed up the RFP on the Donavan account. Yeah, you don’t know what that is, because they dropped us like a rock. Calm down and remember that no mistake is fatal. Here’s what you need to do now. Take Responsibility I know the last thing you need is another black mark in your record. But everyone knows who is responsible. So don’t even try to deflect blame. This will buy you future credibility. The jury is out on whether you will be known as the one who keeps screwing up. What will be worse is if you get the reputation for never being at fault. At some point they’re going to stop believing you. Don’t make me pull out the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” parable. This doesn’t mean you have to fall on your sword. Withou...

Three Ways to Embrace Mistakes as Life's Lessons

TruthOrator's Daily Quotes and Mind Refreshment Tips Three Ways to Embrace Mistakes as Life's Lessons There are no mistakes in life; only lessons. What this means is that whenever something happens, there is a gem for you to learn from. If you can learn to accept mistakes, shortcomings, and unwanted events as opportunities for learning and personal growth, then you'll feel less stressed and fearful, you'll be more confident and self-assured, and your life experience will be more rewarding and fun. If you do something incorrectly or wrong, or you do something that makes you feel bad, you may get angry with yourself. Most of us have a habit of beating ourselves up mentally over and over again. The fact is that when you make a mistake, there is a lesson for you to learn. Mistakes are gifts. They offer you the opportunity to explore an area where perhaps you are deficient, need additional knowledge or training, or need to reevaluate your approach. Perhaps you were r...

In Life You Don’t Need to Make Mistake (and How to Fix Them if You Do)

TruthOrator's Daily Quotes and Mind Refreshment Tips One of the benefits of watching the years go past in your life is the ability to look back and see where you screwed up. If you look back often enough, with a discerning eye and an open heart, you can often self-correct along the way. Or at the very least, you can learn from your screw-ups and become a bit wiser and stronger in other areas of your life. You probably know from your own life experiences that mistakes are painful but very useful ways of learning. However, there are some life mistakes, that if avoided in the first place, will save you a whole load of heartache and misdirection. These are the mistakes that stem from a lack of knowledge, infrequent self-reflection, or little solid emotional guidance as you grow and enter adulthood. These are the mistakes that can stick with you for a lifetime if someone or something doesn’t gently (or often abruptly) help you self-correct. Although I’m sharing these mistakes ...

Fixing Mistakes: 7 Steps for Any Situation

TruthOrator's Daily Quotes and Mind Refreshment Tips    We all goof sometimes... Though many mistakes are minor, and don't cause much of a ripple in the world, some mistakes hurt other people and have to be dealt with quickly and completely. Here's a 7-step process for dealing with any mistake, whether it's something on a business or a personal level. 1. Acknowledge the Mistake Directly Don't add to the mistake already made by ignoring it in the hopes that it will go away. Whether you've messed up on a customer order or forgotten your spouse's birthday, ignoring the failure won't make it seem less important; it will just make you seem like more of a jerk. Be straightforward. Directly and briefly, but honestly, acknowledge that you messed up. State specifically what you did and how much you regret it. 2. Take Responsibility The automatic response of human nature is to jump into self-defense mode; at no time is this response stronger than when w...

9 Mostly Free Ways to Spark Creativity and Fun

“People want to be creatively satisfied, and having fun is such an important part of that.” ~John Lasseter I stopped having fun when my mother was diagnosed with dementia. I didn’t have time for fun because I had to spend every spare moment thinking about Mom, wondering how I could help her, talking to my dad, wondering how I could help him, and worrying about the future, including fretting over whether I, too, was losing my mind. Then one day, I asked my mother what it was like, living in such confusion. “I can’t worry over it too much,” she told me. “When I lose a thought or a word, I try to laugh and let it go.” I realized that’s what I needed to do: acknowledge that Mom had dementia, appreciate her, and then laugh and let go. To help myself with the surrender and laughter aspects, I made a list of quick ways to inspire my own sense of creativity and playfulness. I’m still using this list.  1. Give yourself a picture. Create a visual image for...

5 Beliefs About Happiness That Make Us Unhappy

“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.” ~Anthony de Mello Do you believe in soul mates? I did. I also believed that the only way to be blissfully happy was to be with mine. At a New Year party, I finally found her. As we chatted and danced through the evening, we fell in love. It seemed perfect. Life, however, had other plans. Soon after, she moved to another city. I never saw her again but continued to be in love with her for the next four years. Why? Because I was consumed by the belief that she was my soul mate, and that fate would bring us back together someday. It’s strange, isn’t it? How each of us have our own beliefs about the “secret to happiness.” We live our lives in accordance with those beliefs, rarely questioning them. Over those four years, my belief that I could never be happy with anyone else held me back from finding love and ...

You Already Have All The Skills You Need to Succeed

You Already Have All The Skills You Need to Succeed Most people possess these seven key traits, they just don't apply them consistently (and that's what counts). At my first job after college, I wound up working on a data organization project. Originally, this was to be at least a three-person project, but shortly after the project began, the third member of the team was let go. This was fairly distressing, because the third member of the team was supposed to be the expert on the data we were organizing. She was supposed to understand what the data meant, I was supposed to build the interfaces, and the other guy actually kept the database running – the database administrator, in other words. So, for most of a year, the database administrator and I were shuffled away into a separate office from the rest of the team. There were definitely some overtones that the project was in trouble, not from our own efforts, but from events going on outside of our control. Unsurprisi...

50 Cute Text Messages to Send Someone you Love

Text messages are today much more than a means of sending brief bits of information. They are now extensively used as a social networking tool and as a way of staying in touch with loved ones. Here are fifty cute messages you can send to a friend, a sweetheart or just anyone close to your heart. Nice People are – always friendly, always smiling and always giving. Send this to a nice person – I just did! Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you – I’m thinking of you. Have you put on weight recently – you sure seem to be taking a lot more space in my mind these days! Its big, It’s warm, It’s fuzzy. Before you get ideas – it’s a big HUG from me to you! If a kiss was a raindrop, I’d send you showers. If a hug was a second, I’d send you hours. If smile was a drop, I’d send you a sea And if love was a person, I’d send you ME! Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the ...

100 Ways to Express Your Love to Your Lover

Different ways to express your love to lover on this valentine day or any other day because love is not meant to be celebrated for just one day but it is meant to be celebrated everyday by day. Here are the 100 Ways to Express your Love Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world, Coz finding you was the first. I wish I was a teddy bear that lay upon your bed So that everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead. So many miles away and you’re still right here - in my heart. Your eyes light up my world. Every moment that we are apart, you are in my thoughts. A kiss says it all And here’s one to say That I’m thinking of you. I cherish all the memories that we have made together. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again? Your arms aren’t here to hold me but your love keeps me warm. I thank God we found each other sooner than later. Meet millionaire men and women from North America and Europe looking for someone t...

A Simple Way to Light Up Your Life with Meaning, Love, and Joy

“Love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire.” ~Viktor Frankl Picture this: it was 3am but I couldn’t fall asleep. I had little to complain about, except a feeling that life seemed to be passing me by. My father had died abruptly some years earlier, my mother had come through a major operation, our children were growing increasingly independent, and our marriage was strong. Work was admittedly a bit stressful, and colleagues were less helpful than they might have been. But I ate a healthy diet, exercised, maintained a reasonable work-life balance, and did most of the “right” things. Still, despite my healthy habits, something was lacking. Fast forward to Boxing Day 2004: TV channels were full of the Indian Ocean tsunami. Something told me, as a doctor and scientist, to drop whatever I was doing and fly to Tamil Nadu in India. I arrived in Nagapattinam town to find large fishing boats lying in the middle of the street. The tsunami waves had flung huge boa...

TruthOrator's Weekend Relationship and Love Tips

“That’s when I finally got it. I finally understood. It wasn’t the thought that counted. It was the actual execution that mattered, the showing up for somebody. The intent behind it wasn’t enough. Not for me. Not anymore. It wasn’t enough to know that deep down, he loved me. You had to actually say it to somebody, show them you cared. And he just didn’t. Not enough.” ― Jenny Han “Most men claim to desire driven, independent and confident women. Yet when confronted with such a creature reverence often evolves into resent. For just like women, men need to be needed.”  ―Tiffany Madison “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” ―Friedrich Nietzsche “People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most i...